The Rules


We are a small, caring community where each member feels valued and comfortable. We're not driven by a desire to appeal to the masses, our focus is on creating a space where we can support each another. We embrace inclusion and DIY chaos, we prioritize self-expression, mutual respect, and collective creativity.

Our goal is to build a community where everyone is welcome, where we create for ourselves and each other, and where every interaction is grounded in genuine respect and camaraderie.


General Voxels-related social services include the voxels website, in-world builds and interactions, and third-party provided services such as the discord server.

You are free to express yourself however you like and we encourage debates, polls and community discussions. However, in all services mentioned above, we expect you to be kind and respectful to other members of the community.

Bannable Behaviour

The following behavior is not tolerated, and any of the following may result in a ban on discord and / or suspension of your build / chat rights in world.

  • Harassment

    • Repeatedly approaching an individual with the intent to disturb or upset
    • Reaching into other services or channels to continue harassing an individual after being blocked
    • Using the voice chat to intentionally disturb the peace and mindfulness of other players
  • Intolerance

    • Hate speech including language, symbols and actions
    • Discrimination towards specific belief, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity or disability
  • Impersonation

    • Impersonating a Voxels staff or moderator
    • Impersonating Vitalik Buterin or Elon Musk
    • Falsifying and stealing someone else's virtual or real identity
  • Inappropriate content

    • Any NSFW content, whether it is a picture, video, text, vox, or audio is not permitted. This holds true for any of the general means of socialization. Some NSFW NFTs are considered "Art" and in this case we call for the owner to address the controversial aspect of their own art to the community or to the moderators. The NFTs fate will then be decided there.
    • Any realistic depictions of guns are not permitted in world

In-world specific

We expect you to behave as you would want others to behave toward you.

Parcel Builds

We do not allow builds featuring inappropriate content as specified above. The main reason for this is to allow Cyptovoxels to make your content available to the general public (e.g. app stores) without any barriers to access.

You are allowed to place features outside your parcel's boundaries to a respectable extent. Here are some recommendations as to what you can do:

  • Height-wise you may go 5 meters above your parcel height (one voxel block = 0.5m)
  • Streetside-wise you may go half a street outside your parcel
  • You should not place content in parcels that you do not own without permission
  • If your parcel is on a waterfront, you may extend 5 meters out into the water

These are recommendations. We expect you to communicate with your neighbors and enter into an agreement on what is respectable for your neighborhood. Please note that while the build tools don't currently enforce out-of-parcel content position, we may choose to add this at a later stage.

Womps (in-world screenshot bookmarks)

While you are free to use womps however you like, we expect you to not abuse it. For example, spamming / trying to take over the front page is considered abuse.


You are free to use your wearable however you like. However, remember that depending on the way you wear a wearable it may make someone else uncomfortable. Vox models that are considered NSFW or that are too similar to real-world weapons are not permitted.

Future Rules Changes

Voxels may revise the rules in the future as we identify room for improvement. It is your responsibility to make sure that you keep up to date with changes. However, we will do our best to communicate any important changes with the community on our Discord and Twitter.


The irony of being intolerant of intolerance is not lost on me, we live in a funny age.